The Spirit Controlled Woman – “Happy Sanguine”

During a recent Women’s Day at  Vinings Worship Center,  the theme for that day was to share about being a spirit-controlled woman and how the Lord helps you with your weaknesses.  You will see on this video how my “Happy Sanguine” personality comes out in full force.  I emphasized how important it is to embrace who you are, look at your weaknesses and allow the Lord to make them your strengths.

There is a temperament test that you can take to determine what temperament you possess.  It is also good idea for married couples and even engaged couples to take the test in order to determine how your temperaments can work together in harmony.

Here are the definitions of each temperament.  Can you see yourself described?

Popular Sanguine

Sanguines are spontaneous, vivacious and cheerful. They see the positive in everything around them and always expect the best out of life. Being naturally optimistic, sanguines can take any dull task and make it fun.

Perfect Melancholy

Melancholies are thoughtful, faithful and persistent. Their detail-oriented minds, combined with extremely high standards, often lead them to make great strides in their area of expertise. For melancholies, planning and organization are an essential part of life. They are meticulously tidy, and always on time. It’s fun for them to analyze data and find creative solutions. The melancholy’s motto: If something is worth being done, it’s worth being done right.

Powerful Choleric

Cholerics are adventurous, persuasive and confident. These natural born leaders are great goal setters, risk takers, decision makers and managers. If there’s a problem, they have a plan. If something “cannot be done,” they want to do it! Cholerics enjoy being in control, and welcome change and opposition. They tend to be more interested in achieving goals, and less sensitive to the feelings of others. The choleric’s maxim: “Do it my way, right away!”

Peaceful Phlegmatic

Phlegmatics are friendly, patient and contented. These well-balanced souls are the easiest of all temperaments to get along with. They are agreeable, eager to help, and not in need of too much attention. A strong desire for unity, plus their ability to listen and offer objective opinions, makes them wonderful moderators. Phlegmatics are pessimistic “realists.” However, their low-key nature allows them to be calm and collected when others might get anxious or upset. Their main goal in life: to live in peace.

These definitions were taken from the website of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Just as discussed in the video clip,  you can learn and celebrate your strengths. The Lord will bring people into your life that will balance and help you with those weak areas.  Then your strengths will help others that are weak in the areas where you are strong.  A true BALANCED life!


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